Cargo Cosmetics

lunedì 3 dicembre 2012

Waiting for Santa: Christmas time arrived in town!

Today is the first day that Milano is completely decorated, everything is ready to make this holiday season more joyful, obviously i couldn't miss a walk around downtown. I took some pictures to share with you the atmosphere here in my city. I hope you like them and i hope you are having a wonderful first week of December. For the occasion i did a burgundy-gold eye makeup, if you like, i'll post a tutorial later on this week. I really like it because is warm, elegant and perfect for Christmas time.

 my makeup, Kate Moss n.107 lipstick, Lancome elefant blush and naked palet + Essence red pigment for the eyes

 it was so cold outside :S but i was very festive in red :)
 La Rinascente

 Winter Wonderland
 This headband covered in red feathers and sparky hearts reminds me of the Whoville from the Grinch. 
 Candy caaane!
The beautiful Duomo, all ready for the holidays

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