Cargo Cosmetics

venerdì 11 gennaio 2013

Over 50 makeup tips

Hello everyone, today's post might sound a little bit weird to you, i don't know how old you guys are but i think it's interesting even if you are still really young, you can help your mom, your grandma or even save the tips for the future :P. Yesterday my mom asked me to do her makeup, i started thinking about what to do, i was not very familiar with over 50 makeup techniques so i tried to remember what beauty tutorials taught me and worked from there.
Eventually i putted together a list of what do or not to do on a more mature face.

  • no eyeliner or pencil, use a dark eyeshadow to line the eyes, this will avoid making them look smaller and more hooded. 
  • always fill in your eyebrows, most of you will already know that the fuller they are the younger you look but don't over do them and try to keep them natural
  • draw attention to the eyes and keep the lips natural 
  • prefer lipgloss to lipstick, gloss makes them look fuller 
  • use powder only in the T zone, overdoing powder can accentuate wrinkles
  • don't over do conturing, mature faces are usually less full than younger ones so they don't need a lot it
This is the makeup i did to my mom, she's almost 55 but you guys have to admit she looks quite younger! I hope this post was useful, i'll see you guys next time! 
bye bye! 

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