You know what place is really fucked up? The airport. You lose your baggage, you miss your flights, possibly get delayed for like 12 hours but i never thought you could lose a person. Well, today i did; cheers to first times. I was supposed to pick up my canadian sister from the airport this morning at 8.50, sounds like a pretty easy job to me if it wasn't for the infinite number of unfortunate things that usually start happening as soon as you walk in that hell of earth that is the airport.
My train from Milano to the arrivals terminal was delayed 45 minutes, i thought i was late and that i would have missed her getting out of the gate and i know what a terrible feeling it is to walk through the door and not see anyone waiting for you. As soon as i got to the right gate i checked the display, it said plane landed. Shit. I thought maybe she was still in line to pick up her luggage. I waited one hour, then two, at the third one i started panicking. And here's the fun starts, i asked anyone, literally anyone from the cleaning lady to the police man what could i do to find this person and they were really nice and helpful...NOT!
None knew anything, it was like a labyrinth of bureaucracy and offices; in a moment of deep desperation i even sneaked into offices i was not aloud to. I could feel people staring at me thinking i was some kind of mad bitch, thinking about it now it's kind of funny.
The only thing i could do was walk all the arrivals back and forth hoping to see her at some point. I never did. Now, you can imagine how i felt knowing that my canadian sister with no cellphone was lost somewhere around the world. It was hilarious how shocked the police officers were when i asked them very seriously to track down a person i didn't know in what part of the world it was.
Eventually a really nice german lady checked the list of the passengers of the flight my sister was supposed to be on and told me she was not on the list. Panic. There was nothing more i could do so i decided to go home. It takes more that 1 hour to go from the airport just to central station and then i needed another hour to get home. As soon as i got to central station, by that time it was around 2pm, i get a Facebook message saying "elly, where are you?" i was shocked, it was my sister "What do you mean where am i, i was at the airport all morning, where are YOU?!"
She had a 4 hours delay on her flight from Toronto so she missed her connecting flight to Milano and got stuck in Dusseldorf, so really when i was looking for her in every corner of the arrivals, she wasn't even in Italy yet! And since i aways have perfect timing, she landed as soon as i left the airport, unreal.
At the end of the day, everyone at the airport now knows me as "the- crazy-girl-who-spend-all-morning looking-for-an-imaginary-sister-that-annoyed-and-yelled-possibly-at-anyone-there"
Moral of the story, if you have to pick up someone from the airport make sure it has a cellphone with him and that it tells you if the flight got delayed; if you work at an airport please be more patient and helpful; always check your Facebook, you never know who is going to message you ;)
This was the summary of the really bad day i had yesterday, no wonder i fell asleep seated and woke up at 5 in the morning wondering why was i not in bed and dressed.