Cargo Cosmetics

sabato 27 luglio 2013

Puglia bound

Hey everyone, how are your vacations going so far? I'm back in Bari and i'm finally enjoying sunbathing and swiming in some of my favourite places. Puglia is a very charming region, i love how the scenary changes every 60-100 Km, you can always discover new bays and beatches. The one in these pictures is one of my favourites because it's not very popular therefore is very relaxing. I debated for a while whether to upload these pictures or not because i'm usually very self-conscious about my body but then i thought oh what the hell and decided to do it.
Speaking of sunbathing and all that jazz, in the next few days i'm going to share with you what's in my beatch bag and what kind of sunscreen i use to protect my skin from UVA.

Salve a tutti, come stanno proseguendo le vostre vacanze? Le mie stanno andando abbastanza bene, sono tornata a Bari e mi sto godendo il sole ed il mare in alcune delle mie spiagge preferite. Trovo che la Puglia sia una regione molto affascinante sopratutto perchè ogni 70-100Km lo scenario cambia, amo scoprire nuovi scorci e calette. La spiaggia che vi mostro in queste foto è una delle mie preferite poichè non è molto conosciuta. Ero molto combatutta sul caricare queste foto perchè sono molto self-conscious riguardo al mio fisico ma poi ho pensato che diavolo, non ha senso nascondersi.
Parlando di sole e simili, nei prossimi giorni condividerò con voi cosa c'è nella mia borsa da mare e quale spf uso per proteggere la mia pelle.

mercoledì 17 luglio 2013

Venezia adventures

Day 2 of my summer adventures around Italy, today i'm going to take you along with me in Venezia, one of the most charming cities in my country. We spent the day wondering around the canals and small streets, admiring the amazing architecture and the art that surrounded us. I had never been to Venezia before and one of the things that impressed me the most was the public trasportation made of motor boats, i makes sense since there are no actual streets but it was still really weird and fascinating. My outfit was kind of nautical, i'm in love with the braded blue navy necklace. How you guys on holidays yet?

Secondo giorno delle mie avventure in giro per l'Italia, oggi vi porterò con me a Venezia, una delle città più incantevoli del bel paese. Abbiamo passato la giornata a girovagare tra canali e viuzze, ammirando l'incredibile architettura e l'arte che ci circondava. Non ero mai stata a Venezia prima d'ora ed una delle esperienze che mi ha colpito maggiormente è stato usare come mezzi pubblici un motoscavo, ovviamente a causa della mancanza di strade ha perfettamente senso che i pulman siamo sostituiti da barche ma mi ha ugualmente colpito. Il mio outfit ricordatava i motivi marinareschi, il mio particolare preferito è sicuramente la collana intrecciata blu oltremare. Voi siete già in vacanza? 

SHORTS AND TOP: Love Philosophy
RING: Bershka
NECKLACE: Accessorize
SHOES: local brand 

sabato 13 luglio 2013

Wandering Torino

Hey everyone, i hope you are having a great July, mine is pretty great. For the past 3 days my canadian sister and i have been going for daily road trips discovering cities around Milano. Our first stop was Torino, one of my favorite cities of Italy, it used to be the capital before my country was unified. It has a medieval/renaissance vibe i just love. On top of that it's famous for the Gianduiotto, a paste made with chocolate and hazelnuts, just delicious. 
Eventually we managed to lose our car and so we had to walk around Torino trying to find it, smart girls. Stay tuned for day 2, next stop:Venezia! 

Buondì a tutti, spero stiate trascorrendo un piacevole mese di luglio, il mio sta andando piuttosto bene. Ho passato questi tre giorni in giro per il nord Italia con mia sorella venuta dal canada a trovarmi. La prima tappa non poteva che essere Torino, una delle mie città preferite, era la capitale d'Italia prima dell'unificazione ed è la patria del gianduiotto, una meravigliosa miscela di cioccolato e nocciole. 
A conclusione della gionata siamo riuscite a smarrire la macchina e a dover girovagare senza meta tentando di trovarla, che ragazze brillanti. 
Nei prossimi giorni potrete seguire le nostre disavventure, prossima tappa: Venezia! 

HAT: vintage
CROP TOP: American Eagle
PANTS: vintage
JEWELRY: ring and cross bracelets Bershka
cross necklace Pull and Bear 
bracelet Coccinelle
BAG: Zara

photo credits: (stinky) Selayna Hostrawser 

mercoledì 10 luglio 2013

I really freaking hate the airport!

You know what place is really fucked up? The airport. You lose your baggage, you miss your flights, possibly get delayed for like 12 hours but i never thought you could lose a person. Well, today i did; cheers to first times. I was supposed to pick up my canadian sister from the airport this morning at 8.50, sounds like a pretty easy job to me if it wasn't for the infinite number of unfortunate things that usually start happening as soon as you walk in that hell of earth that is the airport.
My train from Milano to the arrivals terminal was delayed 45 minutes, i thought i was late and that i would have missed her getting out of the gate and i know what a terrible feeling it is to walk through the door and not see anyone waiting for you. As soon as i got to the right gate i checked the display, it said plane landed. Shit. I thought maybe she was still in line to pick up her luggage. I waited one hour, then two, at the third one i started panicking. And here's the fun starts, i asked anyone, literally anyone from the cleaning lady to the police man what could i do to find this person and they were really nice and helpful...NOT!
None knew anything, it was like a labyrinth of bureaucracy and offices; in a moment of deep desperation i even sneaked into offices i was not aloud to. I could feel people staring at me thinking i was some kind of mad bitch, thinking about it now it's kind of funny.
The only thing i could do was walk all the arrivals back and forth hoping to see her at some point. I never did. Now, you can imagine how i felt knowing that my canadian sister with no cellphone was lost somewhere around the world. It was hilarious how shocked the police officers were when i asked them very seriously to track down a person i didn't know in what part of the world it was.
Eventually a really nice german lady checked the list of the passengers of the flight my sister was supposed to be on and told me she was not on the list. Panic. There was nothing more i could do so i decided to go home. It takes more that 1 hour to go from the airport just to central station and then i needed another hour to get home. As soon as i got to central station, by that time it was around 2pm, i get a Facebook message saying "elly, where are you?" i was shocked, it was my sister "What do you mean where am i, i was at the airport all morning, where are YOU?!"
She had a 4 hours delay on her flight from Toronto so she missed her connecting flight to Milano and got stuck in Dusseldorf, so really when i was looking for her in every corner of the arrivals,  she wasn't even in Italy yet! And since i aways have perfect timing, she landed as soon as i left the airport, unreal.
At the end of the day, everyone at the airport now knows me as "the- crazy-girl-who-spend-all-morning looking-for-an-imaginary-sister-that-annoyed-and-yelled-possibly-at-anyone-there"
Moral of the story, if you have to pick up someone from the airport make sure it has a cellphone with him and that it tells you if the flight got delayed; if you work at an airport please be more patient and helpful; always check your Facebook, you never know who is going to message you ;)
This was the summary of the really bad day i had yesterday, no wonder i fell asleep seated and woke up at 5 in the morning wondering why was i not in bed and dressed.

giovedì 4 luglio 2013

8 things some girls don't understand about makeup

There are many miseries in this world: where do we come from? how big is the universe? why some girls need to apply a ridiculously dark foundation on their pale skin? Some of this questions shall never be answered but today i'm going to try give a reason why some girls just can't do their makeup right.
I mean, i'm not expecting a flawless application, we are not all makeup artists and we don't always have the time to practice but there are 8 things that are just unbearable.
As i said in the video i'm not trying to offend anyone because i made several of this mistakes myself in the past, this is just a funny video that also tells you a little bit about things you should never ever do on your lovely face.
If you want to find out what are this things make sure to watch my Youtube video, the link will be HERE. <---click on it.

If you want to know how i ended up looking from this to that, please watch the video :)

lunedì 1 luglio 2013

They told me i could be anything, i decided to be the universe.

Before makeup came into my life, my first passion was painting, i have been painting for as long as i can remember, it makes me feel good and it relaxes me. A thing that combines both arts is body painting, as the word suggests, it's the art of painting on the body. I'm really fascinated by it and my interest grew bigger when i discovered the works of some really great artists, what they can do it's really impressive; i would love to post some of their works here but i can't due to copyright reasons.
This is my first attempt and it's not very good but i will try to perfect it and maybe figure out a tutorial for halloween or something.

Prima che scoprissi il makeup, la mia passione è sempre stata dipingere; non ricordo esattamente  quando ho iniziato ma è sempre stata una parte predominante della mia vita, mi rilassa e mi fa star bene. Una cosa che combina entrambe le discipline è il body painting, letteralmente pittura sul corpo. E' un'arte che mi affascina molto e il mio interesse a riguardo è cresciuto notevolmente dopo aver visto cosa riescono affare alcuni artisti, è veramente incredibile. Mi piacerebbe moltissimo condividere con voi alcuni dei loro lavori ma a causa del copyright non posso. Questo è il mio primo tentativo e onestamente non è un gran che ma proverò a perfezionarlo e magari farci un tutorial per halloween. 
Colgo l'occasione visto che siamo in argomento, di parlare ai miei lettori italiani di una bellissima iniziativa creata da Makeup Forever, un concorso di body painting. Sul sito della Makeup Forever o sul sito di Sephora trovate tutti i dettagli.