Good day everyone, it finally feels like spring in Italy, the weather is warming up, flowers are blossoming; you know, the typical spring stuff and i couldn't be happier.
I thought it was the right time for some spring cleaning and no, i'm not talking about your home but about yourself. During the winter time we get caught up in unhealthy habits, we generally eat more and we workout less. Today is the day to make a change!
Getting started is not as easy as it might seems, you need strong motivation and perseverance, so i decided to create this weekly series hoping to inspire you guys.
Keep in mind that this is not a diet, i am not a nutritionist so i would never have the presumption to tell you what to eat; it's just some advices to make little changes in your daily routine. I will also talk about workouts, skincare, haircare and all that good stuff.
Every week i will give us a little challenge to do, just to keep us motivated.
I spend most of my day at university and i usually have lunch there, unfortunately the food the serve is not the healthiest. If you have the same problem,
your challenge for the week is to pack your own lunch and bring it with you. You will save money, time and you will eat something that is good for you.
Instead of having the usual slice of pizza, yesterday i packed the "healthy Cesar salad", it super easy to make and very very tasty.
You will need:
salad of your choice ( i like lettuce)
-low fat Cesar salad dressing of your choice
-cherry tomatoes
-chicken breast
-whole wheat or kamut croutons
-if you want, some dried cranberries
1- wash and cut the salad you chose, make sure it's nice and dry or it will get soggy during the day
2- grill the chicken on a non-stick pan so you won't have to add any oil or butter
3-wash and cut the cherry tomatoes
4- add a little bit of croutons (don't overdo!)
5- add a little bit or dried cranberries if you like
6- add 1tbs of dressing (it's very important to be very thrifty with it because that's where all the calories are)
7- mix all up
This is just and idea but you can bring anything you like with you, just make sure it's healthier that what you normally would eat.
Last week i got introduced to the world of runners, i was compelled to do a 7Km run that at the end of the day happened to be a 9.7Km run. I was absolutely convinced i couldn't do it and that i didn't want to do it but it was for charity, so i forced myself and tried.
I have been going to the gym for the past 2 months but i have never ran more than 2-3Km, 3 days before the relay race i tried to run 7Km, i took me for forever, it was a lot of pain but i did it and the satisfaction after was completely worth it!
The ever bigger gratification was when i successfully ran 9.7Km at the relay race, it was a big emotion, especially the finish line. Thanks to that i am now very motivated and every time i go to the gym now, i never run less than 6Km. This all story is to tell you that if that friend of mine didn't force me to do it, i would have never known i could do it!
Your fitness challenge of the day is to try something new and drag a friend of a sibylline with you. If you already workout regularly add something new to your routine or push yourself to do something you thought you couldn't do (be safe, of course!); if you don't work out, it's time to get started! Tag along someone with you, i promise it'll be fun!
Thank you for reading this extremely long post, i'll see you next time! bye!
Disclaimer : i am not a nutritionist of a personal trainer, this is all based on my personal experience, please be safe and consult a specialist if you need some specific help. Take care.